Criminal Check
There are South Africa criminal record check facilities that the police mainly use to check the history of people who may be possible criminals. It is also used to search records of individuals before employing them, or just to check whether they have been in trouble with the police before. there is a cost you would have to pay to make use of the handy services. If you are a company wanting to screen a possible employee using their identification number, you can have a friendly consultant visit your office to perform the service and you pay per person you screen.
This screening is available for all companies to use so that they can search records of anyone, and there is nothing better to use than South Africa criminal record check facilities so you know a little more about the person you are screening. with the advent of the new AFISwitch for fingerprint scanning the service is fast an efficient.
It is vital for companies, parastatels and financial institutions to use a system like this where they can check if a customer or prospective employee has a criminal record. Especially so if you are in the business of hiring, you don’t want to trust an offender with your equipment and trust them to bring it back! It is also good to use if you’re an employer interviewing possible candidates to work at your company.
Octagon offers their clients Criminal Clearance services with the option of coming to their offices in Midrand or at the convenience of the clients workplace we bring everything necessary.
Simply phone 011 847 9200 to make an appointment.
Essentially, AFIS operates as an automated checking service by creating an electronic information conduit between the Criminal Resource Centre in Pretoria and the Public. As all criminal records are accompanied by a set of fingerprints, AFIS will allow you to search for matches directly on the database, thus eliminating the potential for identity fraud.
The Criminal ‘Name Clearance’ check, which requires only a name and ID number, has been turned off by the South African Police Services CRC’s.
Benefits of the new automated system include accuracy, convenience, reliability, and security.
It is becoming apparent that Name Clearance checks are not 100% reliable due to SAPS database inaccuracies. The AFISwitch system provides criminal checks on candidates based on fingerprints taken. The uniqueness of one’s fingerprints ensures non-reputable electronic identification of individuals.
The AFISwitch technology requires applicant fingerprints to be captured via an electronic fingerprint reader. Results are submitted and the automated matching system returns either a ‘hit’ or no hit’ within 16 hours.